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We achieved the 2024 Platinum Seal of Transparency.

Feb 2024 for eight years in a row, Sharia’s Closet has EARNED Candid’s Platinum Seal. It is the highest possible rating and it is held by less than 1% of all the nonprofits registered with the IRS.

What does this mean to you? In a nutshell, it means we work hard to earn and keep the trust of our clients, community, donors, and volunteers. Partner with us today, whether individually or through your company to make a lasting impact on the lives of our friends and neighbors in San Diego County.


For seven years in a row, Sharia’s Closet has EARNED Candid’s (formerly Guidestar) Platinum Seal. It is the highest possible rating and it is held by less than 1% of all the nonprofits registered with the IRS.

What does this mean to you? In a nutshell, it means we work hard to earn and keep the trust of our clients, community, donors, and volunteers. Partner with us today, whether individually or through your company to make a lasting impact on the lives our friends and neighbors in San Diego county.



The nonprofits will have a clothing drive at Sharia’s Closet every Wednesday, until Sept. 4, from 12 to 4 p.m. They’re specifically asking for men’s clothing and shoes.

By: Perla Shaheen

Posted at 12:08 PM, Jul 30, 2023 and last updated 8:32 PM, Jul 30, 2023

LA MESA, Calif. (KGTV) — Sometimes it takes one outfit to change someone’s entire life trajectory.

“An outfit increases your confidence; it helps you feel seen,” said Shamine Linton, founder of Sharia’s Closet.

That’s Shamine Linton’s goal: to help restore people’s sense of self through her non-profit called Sharia’s Closet.

“It’s definitely a labor of love, comes from a genuine, authentic place. Really accepting people without judgment,” Linton said.

Sharia’s Closet offers clothing to people in need. Linton partners with other organizations like homeless shelters to identify those individuals.

“In society, sometimes we want to show up as our best self, and if we don’t have access to quality clothing and hygiene products, we’re not going to be most confident,” Linton said.

For the next month, Sharia’s Closet is working with another non-profit called Second Chance. Second Chance provides job training and sober-living housing to formerly incarcerated populations.

“Our mission is to break the cycles of incarceration and poverty and help people towards a path of self-sufficiency,” said Philip Stutzman, Director of Development at Second Chance.

They’ll have a clothing drive at Sharia’s Closet every Wednesday until Sept. 4 from 12 to 4 p.m. They’re specifically asking for men’s clothing and shoes.

If you’d like to donate, you can find more information at Second Chance’s website, or Sharia’s Closet’s.


Sharia’s Closet has spent a decade supporting San Diegans who don’t even have clothes on their backs. Today, their work was recognized with a donation worth $65,000.

By: Perla Shaheen

Posted at 5:56 PM, Jul 12, 2023 and last updated 5:56 PM, Jul 12, 2023

SAN DIEGO (KGTV) — Anyone who walks into Sharia’s Closet on El Cajon Blvd is…

“Welcomed, you’re treated with dignity and respect,” said Shamine Linton, founder and CEO of Sharia’s Closet.

It’s especially important since many of the people who visit have experienced domestic violence or human trafficking.

“When they walk in with just like ‘Oh my gosh I have to go somewhere to ask for free clothes or hygiene products.’”

Linton started Sharia’s Closet in 2013, offering seven to 10 free outfits and some hygiene supplies for those who stop by. Over the last couple of years, she says they’ve served more than 10,000 people.

“It’s really increasing every day. The need for our services, especially with the changes in the economy.”

On Wednesday, Sharia’s Closet got the biggest donation they’ve ever received. $65,000 worth of clothing dropped off at their front door.

“I am so humbled and grateful to be in a position to better help our clients.” The donor is Wellgreens, a San Diego cannabis dispensary. The owner spent years collecting clothes and wanted to offer them to a good cause.

“She said well, I can line my own pockets, I can look better and buy something nice, or I can drive through the streets of San Diego knowing I’m helping victims of human trafficking,” said Vikas Bajaj, counselor for Wellgreens.

Linton says this will help her nonprofit continue its work while meeting rising demand.

“It’s really a joy and a humbling experience to be able to clothe people with brand new clothes where they can pull their own tags,” Linton said.

Shamine was interviewed by Lauren Phinney of KUSI News San Diego.

See the full interview here.


October 19, 2021 – It was an amazing experience for the Linton’s, Megan, and our board. Such a proud and emotional moment for us all. @marawelliott @familyjusticecentersd #yoursafeplace Thank you for your support!
#shariascloset #familyjusticecentersd #servingothers

Click here for Your Safe Place website
Where families come first and professionals come together.
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We are thrilled to announce our partnership with One Safe Place, the North County Family Justice Center.

Click here for One Safe Place website

One Safe Place is an inclusive center with services at no cost where people can come to receive help, regain hope, and begin to heal. Serving survivors of all ages who have suffered from violence, assault, and other types of victimization.

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Important Announcement: We are grateful for the overwhelming generosity of our community. In January and February, we will only accept donations for the following categories : Toiletries, Diapers and wipes, Children’s clothing, Men’s casual clothing and shoes.
Important Announcement: We are grateful for the overwhelming generosity of our community. In January and February, we will only accept donations for the following categories : Toiletries, Diapers and wipes, Children’s clothing, Men’s casual clothing and shoes.