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Home / Services / Emergency Clothing Request

Emergency Clothing Request

Are You in Need of Clothing or Essential Hygiene Items?

Sharia’s Closet is a community clothes closet providing free, emergency clothing to individuals and families who are experiencing financial hardship or crisis.

To obtain our services you must:

  1. Complete an Emergency Clothing Request Form (ECRF).
  2. Use the Tip sheet provided to complete the ECRF.
  3. Wait to be contacted about the status of your request (usually within 5 business days).
  4. Consult our contact page for office hours and location for pick-up (note: hours change often).

What We Provide

For a full list of items we can provide, visit About Our Services.

Sharia with open arms
Important Announcement: We are grateful for the overwhelming generosity of our community. In January and February, we will only accept donations for the following categories : Toiletries, Diapers and wipes, Children’s clothing, Men’s casual clothing and shoes.
Important Announcement: We are grateful for the overwhelming generosity of our community. In January and February, we will only accept donations for the following categories : Toiletries, Diapers and wipes, Children’s clothing, Men’s casual clothing and shoes.